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AccueilNumérosVol. 9, n°1ÉditorialEditorial



English version
p. 5-6

Texte intégral

1Dear Reader,
You are about to start the first number of volume 9 of Crime, Histoire & Sociétés/ Crime, History & Societies. We hope that you will find it as interesting as you appear to have found its predecessors.

22005 marks an important turning point for the journal since, in future, it will be available also in an electronic version. Henceforth, for a small additional payment, our subscribers will be able to have Internet access to the entire run of the journal and to benefit from the research and search facilities available through this media. The URL address for this is:​

3This development represents a substantial investment. We hope that it will provide a new dimension to the awareness of, and diffusion of the journal which has established itself as the key publication for anyone studying the history of crime and criminal justice.

4This is also an occasion warmly to thank our publisher, Librairie Droz, and notably its director, Max Engammare, who took charge of this operation and has spared no effort on our behalf since the beginning of the journal. Our thanks are due also to the French Centre National du Livre and the Meertens-Bianchi Fonds (Amsterdam) which have provided us with a financial subvention for the last two years.

5This, our ninth year, is marked by a significant expansion of the journal’s panel of editorial consultants (see p. 2 of the cover). The intention here is threefold. First, we intend that this will help in continuing to enrich the content of the journal encouraging a further diversification of authors and topics. Second, we want it to increase knowledge of the journal among the academic community and to spread this even further afield. Finally, the increase in consultants will accelerate the evaluation of articles submitted for publication.

6I would like, therefore, to extend a welcome here to the new consultants and to thank both those who have served over previous years and also my colleagues at the Centre de recherches sociologiques sur le droit et les institutions pénales without whose assistance this particular number of the journal would not exist.


7This, the seventeenth number of the journal, opens with the article that won this year’s Herman Diederiks Prize. The prize is awarded annually by the editorial committee for the best article submitted during the year by someone beginning their research career, by a doctoral candidate or by someone who has just received their doctorate. In addition to seeing their article published at the beginning of the first number of the journal for the year, the prize-winner receives a month’s fellowship at the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris.

8This number also includes the first of four articles under the heading Crime and Punishment: 10 years of research. These bibliographical articles, which will deal respectively with English, French, German and Italian historiography, are the result of a research workshop of the Groupe Européen de Recherches sur les Normativités organised by Mario Sbriccoli at the University of Ferrara in 2003.

9On behalf of the editorial committee let me thank you for your support in the past.
Enjoy this volume!
René Lévy

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Pour citer cet article

Référence papier

« Editorial »Crime, Histoire & Sociétés / Crime, History & Societies, Vol. 9, n°1 | 2005, 5-6.

Référence électronique

« Editorial »Crime, Histoire & Sociétés / Crime, History & Societies [En ligne], Vol. 9, n°1 | 2005, mis en ligne le 13 février 2009, consulté le 19 avril 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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