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Kolloquien zur Polizeigeschichte: German Police History Conferences 1990-2010

Herbert Reinke
p. 123-124

Until the beginning of the 1990s, only few German-speaking historians and social scientists took an interest in the history and development of policing. Before that time, the history of policing in the German context was more or less the preserve of scholars writing legal history or former policemen writing their memoirs. Yet in 1990, Alf Lüdtke from the Max-Planck-Institute of History took the initiative to organize a session on police history at the Annual Meeting of the German Historical Association. This session became the starting point for the establishment of a network of German-speaking historians, sociologists, political scientists and criminologists interested in the historical development of German policing. The session became the first meeting of what developed into a series of workshops and conferences on police history. Under the title Kolloquium zur Polizeigeschichte, these meetings have taken place annually since 1991 with participation of German and non-German scholars in cooperation between German institutions as well as institutions from other parts of Europe and North America. This year (2009), the 20thKolloquium zur Polizeigeschichte took place at the German Historical Institute in London. Next year (2010), the 21st colloquium will take place at the University of Cologne (Universität zu Köln, Germany).

The following list gives the themes/headlines, the location and the names of the respective organizers since 1990.

  1. 1990: Sicherheit und Wohlfahrt. Polizeiliches Handeln vom Vorkonstitualismus bis zur Weimarer Republik – Security and Welfare (Bochum, Alf Lüdtke)

  2. 1991: Polizei und Wohlfahrt – Police and Welfare (Liestal/Basel - Switzerland, Martin Leuenberger)

  3. 1992: Polizei und Formwandel von Herrschaft in der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft – Police and Bourgeois Class Society (Köln, Herbert Reinke)

  4. 1993: Polizei als bürokratische Organisation – Police as Bureaucratic Organization (Berlin, Ralph Jessen)

  5. 1994: Polizeigeschichte in zwei Diktaturen – Police History under two Dictatorships (Hamburg, Michael Wildt)

  6. 1995: (Selbst-) Bilder der Polizei – (Self-) Images of the Police (Augsburg, Gerhard Fürmetz)

  7. 1996: Polizeiliche Texte – Gesellschaftliche Kontexte und Kriminalität – Police Texts, Societal Contexts and Criminality (Münster, Herbert Reinke & Peter Nitschke)

  8. 1997: Denunziation oder Kooperation? Formen der Zusammenarbeit von Polizei und Publikum, 18. bis 20.Jahrhundert – Denunciation or Cooperation? Police and Public from the 18th to the 20th Century (Göttingen, Alf Lüdtke & Gerhard Fürmetz)

  9. 1998: Polizei: Orte und Bewegung im Raum - The Police: Places and Movements in Space (Berlin, Claudia Ulbrich & Martina Hohkamp)

  10. 1999: Polizei und Technik – Police and Technique (Hamburg, Klaus Weinhauer)

  11. 2000: Selbstverständnis und Erinnerungsdiskurse in der Polizei – The Police and its Past: (Münster, Alfons Kenkmann & Christoph Spieker)

  12. 2001: Polizei und Gewalt – Police and Force (Erfurt, Alf Lüdtke & Herbert Reinke)

  13. 2002: «Back to the future?» Polizeientwicklung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert im internationalen Vergleich – Police Development in the 19th and 20th Centuries. An International Comparison. (Enschede/Netherlands, Guus Meershoek & Herbert Reinke)

  14. 2003: Polizei und Recht – eine wechselvolle Geschichte – Police and Law (Graz/Austria, Helmut Gebhardt)

  15. 2004: Polizei und (neue) soziale Bewegungen – Police and (New) Social Movements (Kiel, Stefan Link, Klaus Weinhauer, Alf Lüdtke)

  16. 2005: Polizisten als Täter – Polizeihistorische Projekte auf regionaler und überregionaler Ebene Policemen as Perpetrators – Police History Projects on Regional and Supraregional Levels (Düsseldorf, Carsten Dams, Klaus Dönecke, Thomas Köhler)

  17. 2006: Polizei, Justiz und Gesellschaft im 20. Jahrhundert – Police, Justice and Society in the Twentieth Century (Berlin, Jakob Nolte, Herbert Reinke, Gerhard Sälter)

  18. 2007: Polizei und Körper – Police and the Body (Leipzig, Martin Lücke, Leonard Schmieding, Michael Sturm)

  19. 2008: Polizei, politisches Verbrechen, ‘Terrorismus’ und innere Sicherheit – Police, Political Crime, ‘Terrorism’ and Interior Securiry (Frankfurt, Beatrice de Graaf, Karl Härter)

  20. 2009: Communication and Policing Society. Regulating, Reporting and Recording in Modern Europe (London, Philipp Müller, Andreas Gestrich)

  21. 2010: Polizei – Zwischen Prozessen der Erosion und Privatisierung – The Police Between Erosion and Privatization (Köln, Jens Jäger, Ralph Jessen – forthcoming)

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